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Anti-olive fly traps using colorimetric modern

Anti- olive fly traps using colorimetric modern

Olive fly is considered the most dangerous insect on the olive trees , especially in our country where is the Mediterranean region has been hardest hit by the percentage of the damage caused by the fly to more than half of the crop can be summarized damage caused by this pest , including the following: –

1 – a significant loss in yield loss due to fruit.

2 – low oil content in the fruit.

3 – Increase the percentage of acidity in the oil.

4 – is a lack of quality fruits stomach for pickles .

5 – fruit disease secondary injury after injury Balzbabh like Almaekerfuma .

Olive fly the words of a little fly length of 5 mm ( smaller than a house fly ) yellow in color Chestnut female lays one egg in each fruit may happen to put more than female eggs on the same pods and have lunch larvae that emerge from the eggs after hatching the pulp where the work within the spending pulp.

White fly larva length of 6-8 mm and a result of the injury Balzbabh European varieties more sensitive than the local varieties as well as trees infected with the bulk of the fruits of more than trees with small fruits , as well as become more intensely irrigated trees from rain-fed trees .

The symptoms of the fruit :

Can be diagnosed early symptoms on the fruits , which appear after the ( 4-5 ) days from the female to lay eggs Baltmrp by stinging machine and lay eggs that are in a semi-circular or halo are presented l ( 0.2-0.5 cm) and a depth of 1 mm . The delayed symptoms of infection Balzbabh appears after the eggs to hatch and start feeding the larvae on the fruits where spots appear dark brown semi-circular diameter (0.5 – 1 cm ) and colored pulp brown and when dissected pods find larva inside the pulp and spending created by either after exit Alervat of the fruit to the ground to enter the pupal stage Vnchahd hole Baltmrp place out grub .

The pupal stage can be done inside the fruits that have crossed the stage of ripening and coloring where the larvae leave the fruits are mature and throw themselves on the ground to enter the pupal stage .

Activity insect :

Insect activity begins with the end of the month of May and lasts until the month of October and November . Optimal temperatures for insect activity is between 20-30 degree Celsius for long hours either temperatures in excess of 32 Vtqll of activity as well as the temperature of the coastal or offshore, the similarities by high air humidity helps the insect activity while drought reduces its activity .

The life cycle of the insect :

Develop adult insect eggs after graduating from the pupal stage and fertilized by the male about 2-5 days and that the female can lay 200-500 eggs any insect that can destroy all 500 fruit eggs hatch after a period ranging from 2-21 days according to the temperature where the larvae drilling within the pulp only and does not enter the nucleus and lasts Toralergah of 2-3 weeks after the intervention of the larval stage of the Virgin either inside the fruit or in the soil ( at a depth of 5 cm ) from here the importance of tilling the ground to eliminate the recent generations of the insect , which were found inside the ground throughout the winter period .

Anti- lesion :

Struggling olive fly in three ways which

1 – total spray or spray coverage :

Using a systemic herbicide such as Sopracejd , to Ibasid , Rujur , Matasestox , but the disadvantages of this method are the high cost due to take place several times and the need to spray equipment , water, and these things are difficult in the conditions of Baal as the frequent use of pesticides would prejudice biological balance and increase the spread of insects and other harmful as well as polluting the environment and there is the possibility for the survival of pesticide residues in fruits and oil , especially phosphorous pesticides .

2 – The use of baits

Where is sprayed on patches of trees with a solution of a toxic substance and substance of attractive and this method does not give to be highly effective in the control .

3 – The use of traps chromaticity :

There are two types of traps chromaticity :

The first :

It is the old type , which is a yellow panels with adhesive and the plate is placed one on each tree with the change of the plate whenever stained trap.

The second type of traps :

It is the new type as this traps a board, placed inside a yellow -colored reddish-brown hate and contain Albomainal attractive to insects as there are on the same trap yellow cork containing the female insect pheromone to attract males. It covers all parts of the trap with an adhesive and its effectiveness advantage of these traps high catch olive fly and as a result there are five elements to attract a yellow substance and the female pheromone Albomainal and then reddish brown color and spherical shape .

Needs of olives per dunam for about ( 5-7 ) In the case of fisheries intensive agriculture can put ten traps per acre .

Traps are placed at the beginning of the season ( end of May in irrigated orchards or the end of the month of June in the rain-fed orchards ) and remain Sthalha and able to work until the end of the season .

Instructions to install and operate the new trap :

1 – Connect the ligament or iron wire slot triangular upper part of the plate yellow .

2 – Enter the red ball to the center of the plate yellow so that the outline of hate toward the bottom, with a note that the fissure deep in the red ball clutched in painting yellow , and the confirmation of this, we shake the plate yellow strongly when the red ball inside the plaque If not drop the ball , the situation is Salim .

3 – Enter the chop cotton that contains a pheromone (which function to attract males and misleading ) to open roundworms at the bottom of the plate yellow .

4 – we suspend traps on trees in a shaded area at the center of the tree to the west of the South at an altitude meter text with almost need to hold trim the branches from around the trap so as not to come into contact with the leaves, branches trap and must be wire suspension short as possible to prevent excessive movement of the fishery by the wind .

5 – Open the cover of the pack Planned spotted or even touching the yellow cover plate is necessary to be open in order to outgrow flowing attractive stuff down the container of absorbent paper Ad .

6 – The spray adhesive ( spray ) on the plate yellow and red ball from both sides ( each packet is enough to spray ten traps ) and should not be sprayed widget that contains a pheromone .

7 – traps should be placed in the garden so that the complete coverage of the area where each fishery that operates on an area of ​​150-200 square meters.

8 – The number of traps per acre 7-10 so that the distribution wavy zig zag

And is determined by the number of traps per acre density Agriculture by any number of trees per acre , as well as the sensitivity of the affected items .